Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday's Links to the Past - 28 March '14

BBC History Podcast:

Charlotte Hodgman explores the Staffordshire Hoard, while Daniel Hannan argues that English-speaking people created many of our modern liberties


What is the American Historical Association reading this week?

Today’s What We’re Reading features a critical look at the state of history museums, a new history video game, tips for negotiating an academic job offer, the rapidly rotting Million Dollar Homepage, and much more! 

I love this hilarious punny card. 

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So, that skeleton we've heard about for months now that was said to be Richard III? Well, turns out it might not be him after all. Richard III experts are questioning the find.


Shipwrecks are the some of the coolest (and most expensive) finds in archaeology. Shipwrecks in the ancient world are the best:
My favorite, Bronze Age Ulu Burun

National Geographic has shipwrecks on the brain. In their newest print edition, there is an article on shipwrecks. Earlier this week they posted an article '5 Shipwrecks Lost to Time That Archaeologists Would Love to Get Their Hands On'