Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday Links the Past - 14 February '14

Happy Friday and Valentine's Day!

BBC's History Podcast:

Irving Finkel describes a remarkable Babylonian tablet that changes our understanding of the flood legend. Meanwhile, Joanne Harris gives us her take on the Norse gods


What is the American Historical Association reading this week? 

Today’s What We’re Reading features the centenary of the beginning of World War I, a 1762 recipe for rabbit pie, a cross-discipline placement study on PhD employment, what librarians really look like, and more! 


Watch a little video from the History Channel that gives the history and origins of Valentine's Day!


Can't get to a museum today? The Louvre has two great love-themed virtual tours!

Are love stories fated to end badly? From the 1500s to the 19th century, painters and sculptors have depicted the amorous torments of famous literary couples: unrequited passion, oppression, flight, and  death 


Discover how artists from Antiquity to the eighteenth century have chosen to represent amorous relationships.

Those eyes! That stare! That look definitely says, "I'm NOT gonna be ignored, Dan!"
via (source: buzzfeed)
Check out 27 of the creepiest vintage Valentine's Day cards you might ever see via buzzfeed!