Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday's Links to the Past - 31 Jan ' 14

This week's BBC history podcast

John Julius Norwich recalls his remarkable childhood, while Larry Siedentop discusses liberalism and the West's 'crisis of confidence'


What is the American Historical Association reading this week?

Today’s What We’re Reading features an update on the Belfast Project, a live-tweeting guide for the classroom, Earl Lewis defends investment in the humanities, historic photos of penn station, horrifying vintage recipes, and much more! 


I love this photo!
The foundations of the church are currently lying in water about 1.5 to two meters deep. It is estimated that the structure collapsed in an earthquake. DHA photo
DHA Photo

It shows the remains of a basilica in Turkey dating around the 5th century CE.


For scholars in ancient Greek texts, some exciting news from yesterday:

 'Two new poems' by Greek poet Sappho recovered

Sappho was a writer of love poetry from around the 7th century BCE from the Greek island of Lesbos.
Most of her poetry was found in fragments, including these new papyrus.