Friday, June 21, 2013

21 June '13 - Friday's Links to the Past

Happy Summer!

See how some are spending the first day of summer... in an ancient way
The Greeks who worship the ancient gods


This week's BBC Podcast

Matt Elton speaks to Charles Moore about the first volume of his authorised Margaret Thatcher biography, while Roy Hattersley explores the history of one of Britain's most influential dynasties.


What is the American Historical Association reading this week?

Today’s What We’re Reading features Jill Lepore’s reflection on historical origins of the NSA scandal, why Don Draper (from Mad Men) is a preservationist, digital workflow for historians,  how the past may now longer be usable, a visual guide of “every single theory,” and much more!
As the Syrian crisis intensifies, John McHugo looks at the country’s troubled relationship with the West during the Cold War and the continuing Arab-Israeli conflict.

Image not mine

The Mystery of the Doorknockers of Al-Mansurah - From The Metropolitan Museum of Art


Check out reviews of that new Classical book before you buy it!