Friday, December 23, 2011

Friday's Links to the Past - 23 Dec 11

Only a few links this week my friends! Expect some interesting posts in the next few days! Enjoy your Holidays!

BBC's Weekly Podcast:
Professor Mark Stoyle explores the historic passages that lie under the city of Exeter in Devon and Dr Steven Gunn talks about the perils of water in Tudor England.


What's the American Historical Association reading this week???

This week we link to articles on history graduate school education, cuts from Congress for history programs [$46 million 2011, $0 in 2012. YIKES -VB], Lynn Hunt's suggestions for 5 books on the French Revolution you should read, chef Jose Andres' appointment to the Board of Directors of the National Archives and a new website on Virginians in the Civil War. [very neat!]

*side note/mini rant* It is terrible that history, especially American history funding should be cut. So much ignorance regarding our nation's past is already prevalent.


In the midst of Hanukkah, ponder this interesting article I found this week

''A detour into science fiction helps illuminate what festival celebrates''


A new article was published this week regarding the Shroud of Turin.

 Real or fake? 

The Italians in this article feel that they cannot replicate the shroud with technology they have today, so how could it be done back then? It must be a ''supernatural'' force. 

Look for an article next week regarding the Shroud controversy.


enjoy! - VB

**images are not mine**